Monday, April 25, 2011

EX Gerak Gempur Year 6


1. A group of pupils carried out an experiment to study about the basic needs of animals.
Sekumpulan murid telah menjalankan eksperimen untuk mengkaji keperluan asas haiwan.

The result of the experiment was recorded in Table 1
Keputusan kajian direkodkan dalam Jadual 1
a) Based on the Table 1, state two inferences about the animal in containerX.
Berdasarkan Jadual 1, nyatakan dua inferens mengenai haiwan dalam bekas X.



b) State another observation to support your inference in (a).
Nyatakan pemerhatian lain untuk menyokong inferens anda di (a).

c) Predict what wilt happen to the fish in container Y if all the seaweed are eaten?
Ramalkan apa yang akan berlaku kepada ikan dalam bekas Y jika semua rumpai air dimakan?

2. Diagram 2 shows an investigation carried out by a group of pupils.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu penyiasatan yang dibuat oleh sekumpulan murid.
Table 2 shows the result of the investigation.
Jadual 2 menunjukkan keputusan penyiasatan ini.
a) What is the purpose (aim) of this investigation?
Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?

b) What is the tend of change in the height of the shadow?
Apakah corak perubahan kctinggian bayong-bayang?

c) State
(i) What is changed (manipulated variable).
Pemboleh ubah dimanipulas i.

(ii) What is observed (responding variable).
Pemboleh ubah bergerakbalas.

d) State one relationship between the variable that is changed (manipulated) and the variable
that is observed (responding) that can be made in this investigation.
Nyatakan satu hubungan antara pembolehubah yang dimanipulasikan dengan pembolehubah bergerak balas, yang boleh dibuat dalam penyiasatan ini.

3. Diagram 3 shows the apparatus that has been set up to investigate the factors that cause rusting.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk suatu penyiasatan bagi menentukan faktor yang menyebabkan pengaratan.

a) State one inference of the iron nail in test tube P. Nyatakan satu inferens tentang paku dalam tabung uji P.

b) Predict what will happen to the iron nail in test tube R if the boiled water is replaced with tap water?
Ramalkan apa yang akan berlaku kepada paku besi dalam tabung uji R jika air yang dididihkan diganti dengan air paip?

c) State what is observed(responding variable).
Nyatakan pemboleh ubah bergerak balas.

d) What conclusion can be made from this investigation?
Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat daripada penyiasatan ini?

4. Diagram 4 shows the apparatus that has been set up to prove the Earth rotates on its axis
from West to East.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan peralotan yang digunakan untuk membuktikan Bumi berputar di
atas paksinya dari Barat ke Timur.
(a) Predict the position of the shadow at 6.00 p.m.
Ramalkan arah kedudukan bayang-bayang pada pukul 6.00p.m.

(b) Based on the investigation, what is kept the same?
Berdasarkan penyiasatan ini, apakah pembolehubah yang dimalarkan?

(c) State the relationship between the time and the length of the shadow in morning.
Nyatakan hubungan diantara masa dan panjang bayang-bayang pada waktu pagi.

5. The bar chart in Diagram 5 shows the number of load needed to lift up a box
containing 100 pieces of tiles using pulleys in an investigation. The mass of each load is
200 grams.
Rajah 5 menunjukkan carta bar tentang beban yang diperluknn untuk mengangkak totak
yang berisi l00 keping jubin dengan bilangan beberapa takal dalam suatu penyiasatan.
Jisim bagi setiap beban ialah 200 gram.
Diagram 6
Rajah 6
(a) What is the aim of this investigation?
Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?

(b) What is the trcnd of change in the number of load needed to lift up the box?
Apakah corak perubahan bilangan beban yang diperlukan untuk mengangkat kotak?

(c) State one hypothesis based on the investigation.
Nyatakan satu hipotesis berdasarkan penyiasatan ini.

(d) Diagram 6 shows the number of pulleys used to lift up the same size of boxes.
Rajah 6 merumjukkan bilangan takal yang untukm engangkakt otak yang sama saiz

What can you conclude from this investigation?
Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh kamu buat berdasarkan penyiasatan ini?


1. Safari and his group make two type of dough. Below are the ingredients.
Safari dan kumpulannya membuat dua jenis doh. Berikut adalah bahan-bahannya.

The ingredients are mixed and kneaded properly. Then, the dough is covered with damp
cloth and put a side for 20 minutes. The results are shown in Table 1.
Bahan-bahan tersebut diadun dan diuli dengan sebati dengan teliti. Kemudian keduadua doh ditutup dengan kain yang lembab dan diketepikan selama 20 minit. Keputusan adalah seperti Jadual 1.
a) State one reason (inference) about dough Y?
Nyatakan satu sebab ( inferens ) tentang doh Y?

b) What is the aim of the investigation?
Apakah tujuan penyiasatan?

c) State two information gathered from this investigation.
Nyatakan dua maklumat yang dikumpulkan di dalam penyiasatan ini.

d) What conclusion can be made based on the statement above?
Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat berdasarkan penyataan di atas?

2. A group of pupils carried out an investigation involving the expand of an iron rod. The result is shown in the Table 2.
Sekumpulan murid menjalankan penyiasatan berkaitan perkembangan rod besi. Keputusan yang didapati ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 2.
a) Predict the length of the iron rod when heated for 15 minutes.
Ramalkan panjang rod besi apabila dipanaskan selama 15 minit.

b) What is the trend of the length of the iron rod ?
Apakah corak pemanjangan rod besi?

c) State two information need to be gathered in the investigation.
Nyatakan dua maklumat yang perlu dikumpulkan dalam penyiasatan ini.

d) what can be conclude based on the result?
Apakah kesimpulan yang yang boleh dibuat berdasarkan keputusan yang diperolehi?

3. Aqil and his group carried an investigation. They rolled a ball on two different surfaces.
Aqil dan kumpulannya telah menjalankan satu penyiasatan. Mereka menggolekkan sebiji bola di atas 2 permukaan yang berbeza.

Table 3 shows the results of this investigation.
Jadual 3 menunjukkan keputusan penyiasatan.

a) State one reason (inference) about the different in the distance traveled by the ball.
Nyatakan satu inferens tentang perbezaan jarak yang dilalui oleh bola.

b) State:
Nyatakan :
i What is changed ( manipulated variable )
Pembolehubah yang dimanipulasikan

ii. What is kept the same (constant variable)
Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan

c) Based on the statement above, state one relationship (hypothesis) between what that is changed (manipulated) and what is observed (responding).
Berdasarkan penyataan di atas, nyatakan hubungan di antara pembolehubah yang dimanipulasi dan pembolehubah yang bergerakbalas.

4. The following is a note written by Fitri about the changes of height of the shadow when the pencil is placed in different distance from the light source.
Berikut adalah catatan Fitri terhadap perubahan ketinggian bayang- bayang apabila pensel diletakkan pada jarak yang berbeza dari sumber cahaya .

a) What is the aim of the investigation?
Apakah tujuan penyiasatan di atas ?

b) State the trend of the height of the shadows, when the distance of the pencil is nearer to the light source.
Nyatakan corak perubahan ketinggian bayang-bayang apabila jarak pensel dari punca cahaya semakin dekat.

c) Predict the height of the shadow if the distance from the light source is 45 cm.
Ramalkan ketinggian bayang-bayang jika jarak dari punca cahaya ialah 45 cm.

d) Write one conclusion based on the investigation.
Tuliskan satu kesimpulan berdasarkan penyiasatan di atas.

5. Diagram 1 shows Ammar and Ganesh climbed up to the top of the hill.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan Ammar dan Ganesh mendaki ke puncak bukit.

Ammar took 45 minutes to reach is the top
Ammar mengambil masa 45 minit untuk sampai ke puncak.

Ganesh took 55 minutes to reach is the top
Ganesh mengambil masa 55 minit untuk sampai ke puncak.

a) State one reason (inference) about the time taken to reach the top.
Nyatakan satu sebab ( inferens )tentang masa yang diambil untuk sampai ke puncak.

b) Write one observation to support your answer in (a).
Tuliskan satu pemerhatian untuk menyokong jawapan anda di ( a).

c) State, what is kept the same (constant) in the investigation.
Nyatakan, pembolehubah yang dimalar di dalam penyiasatan.

d) State the relationship between what is changed (manipulated) and what is observed (responding) in the investigation.
Nyatakan hubungan di antara pembolehubah yang dimanipulasi dan bergerakbalas di dalam penyiasatan di atas.

SET 10

1. Encik Adam planted the same number of maize plant twice continuously in a year on the same piece of land . Diagram 1 shows the growth of maize plants in both the plantations.
Encik Adam menanam bilangan pokok jagung yang sama banyak dua kali setahun di sebidang tanah yang sama. Rajah 1 menunjukkan pertumbuhan pokok jagung pada kedua-dua kali penanaman .
Diagram 1
Rajah 1
(a) Give two inferences based on the observation.
Berikan dua inferens berdasarkan pemerhatian.


(b) Write one other observation on the condition of the maize plants to support your answer in 1(a).
Tuliskan satu pemerhatian lain tentang keadaan pokok jagung untuk menyokong jawapan anda di 1(a).

2. Diagram 2 shows the size of shadow formed at different distance between the light source and the ball.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan saiz bayang-bayang yang terbentuk pada jarak yang berbeza antara sumber cahaya dan bola.Diagram 2
Rajah 2

(a) What is the purpose (aim) of this investigation?
Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?

(b) State
(i) what is changed (manipulated variable) in this investigation.
apa yang diubah (pembolehubah dimanipulasi) dalam penyiasatan ini.

(ii) what is measured (responding variable) in this investigation.
apa yang diukur (pembolehubah bergerakbalas) dalam penyiasatan ini.

(c) What conclusion can be made from this investigation?
Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat daripada penyiasatan ini?

(d) In another observation, object P is used to replace the ball. There is no shadow formed on the screen. Give one reason (inference).
Dalam satu penyiasatan lain objek P telah digunakan untuk menggantikan bola. Didapati tiada bayang-bayang terbentuk pada skrin. Berikan satu sebab (inferens).

3. Sabrina carried out an investigation to study the ability of different sizes of handkerchief absorbing water. Handkerchief R, S and T is put into three containers which filled with 500 ml of water each. Diagram 3 shows the volume of water left after the investigation.
Sabrina menjalankan satu penyiasatan untuk mengkaji kebolehan sapu tangan yang berbeza saiz menyerap air. Sapu tangan R, S dan T dimasukkan ke dalam tiga bekas yang diisi dengan 500ml air. Rajah 3 menunjukkan isipadu air yang tinggal selepas penyiasatan.

(a) What is the trend of changes in the volume of water left in the container?
Apakah corak perubahan isipadu air yang tinggal di dalam bekas?

(b) State one variable that was kept the same (constant) in this investigation.
Nyatakan satu pembolehubah yang dimalarkan dalam penyiasatan ini.

(c) What conclusion can be made from this investigation?
Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat daripada penyiasatan ini?

The thickness of handkerchief also affects the volume of water absorbed
Ketebalan sapu tangan juga mempengaruhi isipadu air yang diserap

(d) State one relationship between what is changed (manipulated variable) and what is observed (responding variable) in the above statement.
Nyatakan satu hubungan di antara perkara yang diubah-ubah (pembolehubah dimanipulasi) dengan perkara yang diperhatikan (pembolehubah bergerak balas) berdasarkan penyataan di atas.

4. Diagram 4.1 shows the position of four planets T, U, V and W from the Sun.
Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan kedudukan empat planet T, U, V dan W dari Matahari.
A bar chart below shows the surface temperature of planets in Diagram 4.1.
Carta palang di bawah menunjukkan suhu permukaan planet-planet dalam Rajah 4.1.
(a) What is the purpose (aim) of the investigation?
Apakah tujuan penyiasatan tersebut?

(b) Based on diagram 4.1 and 4.2, state
Berdasarkan rajah 4.1 dan 4.2, nyatakan
i. what is changed (manipulated variable):
apa yang diubah (pembolehubah dimanipulasi):

ii. what is observed (responding variable):
apa yang diperhatikan (pembolehubah bergerakbalas):

(c) State one relationship (hypothesis) between the variable that is changed (manipulated) and the variable that is observed (responding), that can be made in this investigation.
Nyatakan satu hubungan (hipotesis) di antara pemboleubah dimanipulasi dengan bergerakbalas dalam penyiasatan ini.

(d) From this investigation, there are living things on one of the planets. State one reason (inference) based on the observation.
Daripada penyiasatan ini, terdapat hidupan di salah satu planet yang diperhatikan. Nyatakan satu sebab (inferens)berdasarkan pemerhatian tersebut.

5. Diagram 5 is a bar chart which shows the result of the stability of the three structured models P, Q and R in the investigation.
Carta bar dalam Rajah 5 menunjukkan keputusan tahap kestabilan yang diuji pada tiga model binaan P, Q dan R yang dijalankan dalam satu penyiasatan.

(a) State one reason (inference) based on the stability of model P compared to model Q and model R.
Nyatakan satu sebab (inferens) tentang kestabilan model P berbanding model Q dan model R.

(b) What is the trend of changes in the stability of model P,Q and R?
Apakah corak perubahan kestabilan model P,Q dan R?

The height can affect the stability of structure.
Ketinggian boleh mempengaruhi kestabilan suatu binaan.

(c) State one hypothesis based on the statement above.
Nyatakan satu hipotesis berdasarkan penyataan di atas.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

EX Year 6 - Food Preservation

a) What is the aim of this investigation?

b) Write an observation and a reason based on the condition of fish P and fish Q after three days.

Observation :

Reason :

c) State one observation that can support your reason in (b)

d) Based on this investigation, state the following :-

i) what is kept the same :
ii) what is changed :
iii) what is observed :

e) What you have found out from this investigation ?

3. The following information shows the steps in the canning of pineapples

� Pineapple is cut into cubes
� Pineapple cubes are placed in a can
� Pineapple juice and sugar are added
� The can is heated to remove air
� The can is closed tightly

a) What is the purpose of canning the pineapples?

b) State a reason to remove the air from the van by heating it.

c) Name other two types of food that can be preserved by canning


d) Pineapples can also be preserved by vacuum-packing. Explain this method of food preservation.

e) Name other two types of food that can be preserved by vacuum-packing.

4. Diagram below shows two types of fruits that are collected by Pak Hassan in large quantity from his orchard.

a) What should Pak Hassan do to the fruits so that he can enjoy the fruits for a longer time?

b) Explain your answer in (a)

c) Name another food that can be preserved by pickling

d) Give three reasons why we need to preserve food.


e) State a reason why soldiers who are in combat carry preserved food only?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

EX Year 6 - Interaction among living thing

1. Classify the animals above according to the way they live.

2. State two reasons of behaving which of animals that:

a) Live in a solitarily



b) Live in a groups



3. Give two forms of interaction among animals.



3. Some animals live in ……………………………………………… and some animals live

Eclipse Of The Sun

1. What can be observed when the ping pong ball was placed between the torch and the globe.

2. State the phenomenon that occurs from the activity.

3. Draw and label the diagram of the phenomenon occurred.

4. State how the phenomenon occurs.

5. Why the time taken for this phenomenon shorter than moon eclipse?

6. What will happen if the moon was not placed parallel between the sun and the earth?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


1 Solitary animal is an animals that …
A lives in a remote area
B lives with is species only
C lives with its family members only
D lives and does everything alone

2 Animals that are solitary have the following characteristics except…
A They live alone
B They hunt for food
C They cooperate with other animals to protect themselves from enemies
D They need to be in control of certain area to get enough food

3 What is the difference between solitary animals and group animals.?

A Solitary animal do everything alone while group animals stay together for the most part of their lives.
B Solitary animals work together to build their nest and collect food while group animals do everything alone
C Solitary animals live in the jungle while group animals live in deserts
D Solitary animals are omnivores while group animals are carnivores

4 Why do solitary animals need to be control in a certain area?
A to show their abilities in running away from their enemies
B to show their weakness
C to get enough food for themselves
D to make it easier for the predators to find them

5 Solitary animals do sometimes live together especially when…
A mating season
B Raining season
C lack of food
D The number of predators increase

6 Which of the following statements about solitary animals is true?
A They eat other animals only
B They do not take care of their young
C They spend most of their life alone
D They hunt together with other animals

7. Which of the following is done by animals that are solitary?
A Hunt for food together
B Mark their own territories
C Share their food with other animals
D Cooperate with other animals for protection

8. Animals that are solitary only come together for ...
A mating.

B collecting food.
C protection from danger.
D feeding their young.

9. Solitary animals …
A Hunt for food together

B mark their own territories
C share their food with other animals
D cooperate with other animals for protection.

10 The pictures below show 4 types of animals P,Q, R and S.

Which of the following animals are solitary animals?
A P and R
B P and S
C Q and R
D P and Q

11 Which of the following pairs of animals below are solitary ?
A Snake , elephant
B Ant , antelope
C Lion , tiger
D Bear , tiger

12 Which of the following animals live solitarily?
A Zebra
B Deer
C Giraffe
D Tiger

13 Diagram below shows three types of animals that are solitary animals. Which of the following animals can be classified together with the animals shown above?

A Ant
B Eagle
C Bee
D Wolf

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Series And Parallel Circuit

An electric circuit is made up of a power sources, wires and others components such as a bulb and a switch.Electricity flows in a complete circuit.

The electric components and the symbol

Series Circuit

- The bulbs arranged in series

- Along the same path one after another

Parallel Circuit

- The bulb arranged in parallel

- In different electricity pathway.

Handle With Care

Monday, April 4, 2011

Year 6

1. The following information shows three plants of the same type that are placed in different location. The investigation takes about two weeks.

Maklumat berikut menunjukkan tiga tumbuhan yang sama jenis dan diletakkan di tempat yang berbeza. Penyiasatan dijalankan selama dua minggu.

Plant J : in a dark place.
Tumbuhan J : di tempat gelap

Plant K : in a shady place.
Tumbuhan K : di tempat teduh

Plant L : in a bright place.
Tumbuhan L : di tempat terang

The results are recorded in the table below.
Keputusan direkodkan seperti dalam jadual di bawah.

(a). State the aim of the investigation.

Nyatakan tujuan penyiasatan ini.

(b). In this investigation state,

Dalam penyiasatan ini nyatakan,

(i). what is changed : ______________________________________________


(ii). what is observed : _____________________________________________

bergerak balas

2. Diagram 1 shows two plants, M and N which are put in one place. Both plants are not given water for a week. Rajah 1 menunjukkan dua tumbuhan, M dan N yang diletakkan di satu tempat.Keduaduanya tidak disiram air selama seminggu

(a). In this experiment, state the things that;

Dalam eksperimen ini, nyatakan pembolehubah berikut : i. is changed : ____________________________________________


ii. is observed : ____________________________________________

bergerak balas

iii. is kept the same : _________________________________________
