PKSR 1 2011
Year 5
Year 6
Section B
(a) The size of the balloon will rise/become bigger/expand.
(b) Because the yeast/microorganism breathe.
(c) Water level in the conical flask will fall // colour of the water will change.
(d) Yeast/microorganisms breathe.
(a) To ensure the survival of their species // prevents extinction.
(b) To protect its eggs.
(c) Hen / Snake / bird / eagle
(a) To disperse their seeds // avoid competition among plants.
(b) By water.
(c) Waxy skin // light // water proof // have air spaces / husk
(a) To study the relationship between the speed of the wheel and the brightness of the bicycle lamp.
(b) i. Speed of the wheel
ii. Brightness of the bicycle lamp
(c) Speed of the wheel increase / more / faster, brightness of the bicycle lamp increase / more / brighter.
(a) To study the relationship between the distance between the object and torch and the height of the shadow.
(b) i. Distance between the object and the torch.
ii. The height of the shadow
(c) Distance between the object and the torch increase / more / further, the height of the shadow decrease / shorter (vice versa)
Year 6
Section B
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the number of young plants/seedlings and the average number of leaves// average circumference of stem.
(b) i. The number of young plants/seedlings.
ii. the average number of leaves// average circumference of stem
(c) The number of young plants/seedlings increase/more // decrease/lesser, the average number of leaves//average circumference of stem increase/more // decrease/lesser
(d) The average number of leaves//average circumference of stem in pot Y is more than pot X because in pot Y has less competition than seedlings/young plants pot X.
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the type of surface and the distance travelled.
(b) i. The type of surface
ii. Type/size/mass of the ball // Amount of force applied
iii. The distance travelled
(c) Increase/more, decrease/less/lesser, increase/more
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the number of battery/dry cell and the time
taken for the nichrome wire to turn red.
(b) i. The number of battery/dry cell
ii. Size/type of battery/dry cell // size/ type of nichrome wire // type of circuit.
iii. The time taken for the nichrome wire to turn red.
(c) The number of battery/dry cell increase/more // decrease/less/lesser, the time taken for the nichrome wire to turn red shorter // increase/longer
(d) 31 seconds
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the time and the water level.
(b) The time//the water level//size of cylinder//initial volume of water//place/period of the investigation
(c) Constant/not change, decrease/decreases/become less/lesser
(d) Water level will decrease/less because the water will evaporate.
(e) Time increase/more, water level decrease/less (Vice versa)
Pra-PKSr 1 Tahun 5
Section B
Question 1
(a) To study the relationship between the presence/present of water and/with the grows of moulds/condition of bread after three days.
(b) Black patches can be seen on the moist bread because the fungi/microorganims grows.
(c) i. Presence/present of water//breads.
ii. the grows of moulds/condition of bread after
three days.
iii. Type/size of breads//periods/place of the
Question 2
(a) i. Papaya
ii. Bright in colour//fleshy and edible//nice smell.
(b) i. Angsana
ii. Have wings like-structures//light//small seed.(c) i. Balsam
Question 3
(a) To study the relationship between the amount of yeast and/with the height of dough.
(b) i. The amount of yeast
ii. The height of dough
(c) Increase/Increases/Increasing
(d) 16 cm
Question 4
(a) To study the relationship between the year and/with the number of animal X.
(b) i. The year
ii. The number of animal X
(c) The number of animal X increasing because animal X reproduce offspring//No more illegal hunting on the animal X//No deforestation activities in habitat animal X.
(d) The year increase/more, the number of animal X increase/more
Latihan Tahun 5
(a) i) Based on the food web shown in Diagram 1, identify 5 food chains
- plant --> grasshopper --> sparrow --> eagle
- plant --> sparrow --> eagle
- plant --> rabbit --> eagle
- plant --> cow --> lion
- plant --> rabbit --> lion
- Producer : Plant
- Herbivore : Cow, grasshopper, rabbit
- Carnovire : Lion, snake, eagle
- Omnivore : Sparrow
- Cow : Increase
- Plant : Decrease
- To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the number of tiger and/with the number of cows.
- Changed : Number of tiger
- Observed : Number of cows
- Kept the same : Place of investigation
- The number of tiger increase/decrease, the number of cows decrease/increase.
- Decrease
Intervensi 2/2011
Question 1
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the number of sparrows and/with the number of grasshoppers.(b) Decrease/Decreases/Decreasing//Lesser
(c) 10
(d) The number of sparrows increase, the number of grasshoppers decrease.
Question 2
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the type of circuit//arrangement of the bulb and/with the brightness of the bulbs.
Question 3
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the year and/with the number of Orang Utan.
(b) Place of investigation//period of the investigation//type of species/Orang Utan.
(c) Decrease/Decreases/Decreasing, increase/increases/increasing.
(d) Because the Orang Utan is protected/preserved/conserved//enforcing the laws to protect Orang Utan.
Question 4
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the days and/with the phases of the moon.
(b) i. The days ii. The phases of the moon
(c) Increase/Increases/Increasing
Question 5
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the height of cuboids and/with the time taken to topple.
(b) Cuboid S take the longest time to topple because cuboid S is the most stable.
(c) The height of cuboids increase, the time taken to topple over will shorter//The height of cuboids decrease/deceases/decreasing//less, the time taken to topple over will increase/increases/increasing//more.
(d) S,R,Q,P
(c) 10
(d) The number of sparrows increase, the number of grasshoppers decrease.
Question 2
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the type of circuit//arrangement of the bulb and/with the brightness of the bulbs.
(b) i. Parallel circuit ii. Series circuit
(c) Bulb will not light upQuestion 3
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the year and/with the number of Orang Utan.
(b) Place of investigation//period of the investigation//type of species/Orang Utan.
(c) Decrease/Decreases/Decreasing, increase/increases/increasing.
(d) Because the Orang Utan is protected/preserved/conserved//enforcing the laws to protect Orang Utan.
Question 4
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the days and/with the phases of the moon.
(b) i. The days ii. The phases of the moon
(c) Increase/Increases/Increasing
Question 5
(a) To study/investigate/find out the relationship between the height of cuboids and/with the time taken to topple.
(b) Cuboid S take the longest time to topple because cuboid S is the most stable.
(c) The height of cuboids increase, the time taken to topple over will shorter//The height of cuboids decrease/deceases/decreasing//less, the time taken to topple over will increase/increases/increasing//more.
(d) S,R,Q,P